At Gravis Law, our skilled and experienced Child Custody attorneys can help you.
Leaders for child custody and child support matters
Child custody disputes are not limited to divorcing spouses. Child custody can involve biological unmarried parents, grand-parents and sometimes other extended family members. Establishing and maintaining a safe stable living environment and custody schedule that meets the needs of a child you love can quickly become emotional, complicated, time consuming and expensive.
At Gravis Law we strive to offer clients a resolution-focused approach. Our Gravis custody attorneys aim to help you achieve your goals while making it less complicated. Most importantly, we don’t want to see our clients, or their children, agonize. This is why we are here - to help you protect your rights and the wellbeing of your children.
How is custody determined?
Decisions on child custody and visitation can either be made by the parents, through a mediated or negotiated agreement, or if no agreement is possible the court will decide.
Courts determine child custody arrangements based on the best interests of the child. The deciding factors a judge will consider include:
- The parents’ ability to provide and take care of the child
- The parents' wishes as to the appropriate time sharing between households
- The emotional bond and relationship between the child and other siblings or family members in each home
- The best interest of the child
- In some states the child may have a say in who they choose to live with depending on the child’s age
Having an experienced child custody attorney can help you better prepare for mediation or trial. Your Gravis Law attorney will provide the experience and perspective to help you best evaluate how to put your children's interests first and be prepared for complicated issues, whether in mediation or trial.
Finally, your attorney will also be confident in the courtroom and will help negotiate with the other parent and lawyer. Having an experienced custody attorney will allow you to navigate the child custody process with a clear roadmap and understanding.
Find a child support attorney near you
Child support is generally based upon your child custody agreement and each parent’s respective income. Determining what each parent’s income is, or should be, is necessary to an appropriate child support calculation. Additionally, your attorney will ensure that other out of pocket costs are addressed in your child support order, such as how to divide or assign work related childcare costs, non-covered medical costs, medical insurance premiums and extra school expenses. One of our experienced Gravis custody lawyers can help ensure that the other parent pays enough support or that you don’t overpay. With our professionals at your side, you will be able to take care of the support issues, ensuring the terms are fair and complete.
Visit us at Gravis Law and one of our knowledgeable family law attorneys will discuss your options with you and guide you through the process. We provide the tailored advice and quality representation you deserve.
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