At Gravis Law, our skilled and experienced Driving Under the Influence (DUI) team can help you.

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a serious offense in every jurisdiction and state.

DUI consequences:

  • Heavy financial penalties
  • Loss of driving privileges
  • Liability for damages
  • Higher insurance premiums
  • Employment barriers
  • Loss of scholarship(s)
  • Jail

However, not all DUI charges reflect the same reality.  You should know that DUI charges can occur regardless of blood alcohol content level. This subjectivity leaves a lot of room for discussion about your true impairment.

Our team looks closely at all the evidence.  Including why you were pulled over, whether procedures were followed, if the equipment used was even calibrated, and other points along the way that might better reflect in your defense.

This is not an easy fight ahead of you.  Many DUI cases need to go to trial.  And many of your state’s trial witnesses will likely be police officers who have been trained to testify in court. Do you have the same experience in court as they do?  Likely not!

To succeed you need an experienced, reputable DUI defense team that knows the game and knows how to fight on your behalf.  We are ready to help you today.

However, first, we must talk about your situation.  Fill out the form below or call us at the number above and let's get to work on your case

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