Two of the greatest benefits of living in this country are the freedoms we enjoy of choice and of property ownership. We have the right to choose for ourselves where we go, what we do, and how we use the things we own.
Unfortunately, on occasion we may find ourselves no longer able to make these decisions for ourselves. This may happen due to age, illness, a tragic accident, or one of many other possible causes. And although we may have slowed down, the world keeps turning and our rights and responsibilities with regard to our choices and property don’t end. Should such an occasion arise it is extremely important to have chosen someone to step in and make sure that our wishes continue to be carried out, and that our rights continue to be observed.
A Power of Attorney is very powerful tool which legally gives to another person all the legal authorizations they need to be able to go out and act on your behalf. While you can customize your Power of Attorney to limit or expand these authorizations, they generally include things like managing real property, talking to doctors, working with bank and other financial accounts, making gifts to loved ones, authorizing medical procedures, etc.
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